Dayemi Foundation is a Bangladesh government-approved NGO having consultative status with the United Nations ECOSOC & the Department of Public Information (UN DPI/NGO) associated non-profit, non-political volunteer organization that provides social services: shelter, health care, academic and vocational education, rural development empowerment, and rural humanitarian aid in rural Bangladesh.
The Dayemi Foundation touches the lives of over 4,000 children through its orphanages and schools. It has also established various social enterprises to empower individuals and has hosted many social environmental awareness programs – all for the betterment of rural Bangladeshis. Support orphanages, academic schools, and vocational training centers through financial aid and administrative supervision, educate students to realize their full physical, social, and spiritual potential, and empower students and rural youth through awareness programs, progressive vocational training, and social enterprises.
Dayemi Foundation has made a significant and positive impact on the lives of thousands of individuals and communities across rural Bangladesh.
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Dayemi Foundation is committed to building a diverse and inclusive workforce, attracting passionate and skilled individuals who share the organization’s mission and values.The foundation employs a team of dedicated professionals.